Services & Programs
At McKendree, the school counselors work alongside teachers and parents to help students develop socially and emotionally, and to help remove any barriers they have to academics/learning. We provide:
- Core Curriculum lessons (schedule provided below)
- Small group counseling
- Short-term individual counseling
- Consultation with parents and teachers
- Attendance Interventions
- Community resource referrals (including longer term therapy services, weekend food backpack program, and holiday help, etc.)
- Schoolwide programming
Student Council: Student Council is a student organization dedicated to school and community service and assisting in special school-wide events and activities. Student Council members will be working together to learn skills associated with leadership, decision-making, cooperation, and effective communication.
Classroom Representatives: Each fourth and fifth-grade classroom will have one representative on the Student Council. They participate in all Student Council meetings and activities. They will also bring ideas and suggestions from their class members to the meetings and report information back to their class.
4th or 5th grade Student Council Representatives can run for an office in Student Council. 5th grade students are the only ones eligible to run for the office of president. These are the Student Council offices:
President- The president runs the meetings with the assistance of the student council sponsor. The president will serve in various leadership roles throughout the year and also help plan and lead special activities and events.
Vice President- The vice president works very closely with the president and assists in many duties. The vice president also stands in for the president when necessary.
Secretary - The secretary is responsible for recording minutes and keeping records of meetings, activities, and fundraisers done by the council. Students interested in becoming secretary should be organized and like to write. The secretary needs to be able to use the computer keyboard for typing.
Treasurer - The treasurer is responsible for working with the Student Council Sponsor to keep accurate records of the budget and funds collected by the council. Students interested in becoming treasurer should be organized and good with numbers.